[SEL] Edinburgh
Orrin B Iseminger
obise at moscow.com
Tue Oct 20 19:24:52 PDT 2009
I just received this from an acquaintance. Is there anyone from Edinburgh,
or nearby, who might show a mighty fine fellow around the neighborhood?
Sean is a friend of mine who is one of the finest gentlemen I've ever known.
Here are some pictures of him in action:
If you have any travel tips for Sean, let me know and I'll put you in touch
with him.
Best regards,
Orrin Iseminger
Colton, Washington, USA
So many projects. So little time.
From: cooksewgood at gmail.com [mailto:cooksewgood at gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Engine Shop
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 2:16 PM
To: machineshop at morrisonandmarvin.com; Orrin Iseminger; Carl Carlsen
Subject: Edinburgh
Sean is tagging along with mother-in-law to a conference and needs some
places to visit and engine people to meet. With your extensive web contacts
can you find him a contact?
I went to a engine club meeting close to there and there is a great ag
museum to the west as I remember. I don't remember any names.
EngineShop (with dead backhoe)
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