[SEL] Lister 5-1 /progress

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Nov 16 10:18:23 PST 2009

At 07:00 PM 16/11/2009, you wrote:
>Message: 3
>From: "Peter Scales" <peter at loud-n-clear.net>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Lister 5-1 /progress
>I'd paint it if I  were you - over here, some bugger'd nick it :)
>Seriously, they are nice in brass, aren't they?
>All the best
>      Pete
>Peter Scales

Hi Pete,
         Not only where you are - here as well.

         I often recount the story about a small aircooled Lister (fairly 
modern) that resides in my shed and provided parts to restore my Lister LD1.

         It spent it's short working life on a farm in Natal and provided 
water to the farmhouse by pumping it from a small stream a few hundred 
metres from the house. One morning there was no water so the owner went 
down to the stream to start the engine. What he found was an engine that 
had all the aluminium castings and casings smashed off with a hammer - 
aluminium has a reasonable scrap value and one of our indigenous brethren 
has seen fit to smash it to bits for the meagre amount he could sell it to 
the scrappie for. The disgusting part is that he probably only got about 
ZAR 50.00 (our currency) for his efforts but destroyed an engine that cost 
(in those days) ZAR 17,000.00

         Unfortunately this is just one of those things that we have to 
live with in the "New South Africa".

         I often envy my brother who lives in Germany - his "bunch" of keys 
consists of 2 keys - 1 for his car and 1 for his front door. My small bunch 
(the one I carry with me), on the other hand, consists of about 20 keys - 
20 keys I hear someone saying !!) - Yes, but of those 20 keys there are at 
least 8 that unlock "other bunches" of keys.

         For example, that bunch that I carry, only has 2 keys to let me 
into the security gate and back door of my office/workshop. Once inside I 
grab the hidden bunch that allows me to open the door between my office and 
workshop. Once I've opened that, there is another bunch that allows me to 
open my outside workshop doors. The other 18 Keys on my small "Carry bunch" 
have similar functions.

         Enough griping !!

         This Lister 5/1 will be kept under "lock and key"  - probably 
behind at least 20 other keys :-).

Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:

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