[SEL] Auction Report

Patrick pml1 at bigpond.net.au
Sat May 2 17:46:45 PDT 2009

I went to an auction at Branxton in the Hunter Valley yesterday. The auction
was well attended but engine prices were a little down.
Most engines were complete with some being older restorations.
Some results.
Lister D & compressor $1240
IHC Mogul 90% complete1.75hp $340
Anderson (parts only) $60
Buzacott vertical $100
Buzacott vertical $120
Rosebery vertical $60
R-T N $140
M-V vertical $60
Southern Cross $240
Imperial $500
Buzacott 3hp (very low number horizontal) $320
Cooper TB shearing plant $420
Buzacott vertical $20
Alfa-Laval $150
Buzacott vertical $320
Buzacott vertical $180
K&L $200
M-V vertical $40
Alfa-laval $20
Southern cross twin $210
Buzacott vertical $40
Buzacott 2A parts (three blocks with enough bits to build one engine)
Cooper little wonder (missing carby) $510
Lister $100
IHC LA $220
Lister D $50
Sunshine 3hp $1650  (the dearest engine)
Cooper $50
M-V $20
M-V $50
Wolseley $30
Lister Diesel $370
New Way 4.5hp $500
Wolseley $220
Imperial $500
Hercules 3hp $600  (bargain, older restoration ready to run)
Anderson 3hp (complete with cooling, fuel tanks, cast pedestal & original
skids) $500
Buzacott farm pumper $120

Patrick M Livingstone
Leichhardt NSW

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