[SEL] O.T. Kawasaki decal

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Tue Jun 30 12:40:16 PDT 2009

Hi Guys,
	Sorry about another "Off Topic" post.
	A mate is rebuilding a Kawasaki KX 125 scrambler and asked me to make 
decals for him (another freebie :-))
	I cannot find a pic of the KX 125 decal (not the whole set - just the 
small one that goes near the seat).
	I thought that maybe a list member may have one of these bikes and could 
take a digital pic of the decal for me. (Straight on and from as close as 
your camera can manage).

	I know that the decal did change for different years but I'm not fussy 
about that.
	Pretty much any year will be O.K. (It's not an OLD ENGINE after all).

If anyone can help I would appreciate it - please send it direct to me at:
<jerrye at cyberserv.co.za> - not to the list!

many thanks

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