[SEL] My bad

Rob Skinner rob at rustyiron.com
Sun Jul 12 13:24:45 PDT 2009

> I've been wondering about sizes for a while.

It's twue, it's twue!
Sorry, Jim.

> what's your
> recommendation for the 2009 standard of computing and internet speeds?

Translation:  "Rob, take off your shirt and hold still while I paint  
this bullseye on your back."

That's ok, I'll play.

That was a long time ago, but my thought process is the same.   
Computer displays and internet speeds are improving exponentially, and  
a web page that is "ok" today will be totally lame in a couple years.   
Considering the amount of time required to build a good page, I prefer  
to "go big" to ensure that the web page will stay fresh a little longer.

To answer your question numerically, on a web page I do by hand, I  
like the images to be 800x600 with compression that doesn't damage  
quality much.  Sometimes I use an automated web page generator so I  
can get a fancy "pimped out" look.  It displays the main picture at  
about 550 pixels wide and I can't adjust it.  It does, however, let me  
serve up a full size image at 1280 wide.  THAT is the size that I like  
to see pictures, but it's not practical for the main web page.

The result of these ideas is that the pictures will look great for  
someone with a modern computer and high-speed internet access.  For  
someone with an eight year old computer, it's likely to be an  
unsatisfying experience.

> We are a civilised part of the world you know.  And the showground was
> out of town, so no danger of littering McD wrappers!  My usual problem
> is trying to avoid plastic safety fencing, but Nuenen had only a  
> single
> line of rope to protect innocent victims - I mean visitors - from
> attacking flywheels and such like.

You mean Aussie style fence?  Rope is easy–just ask the engine owner  
if you can take down the rope to get your shot.  I've never been  
denied photograhic access.  Even the most curmudgeonly engineman will  
acquiesce if there's a chance of being published or if the  
photographer is a cute lass who will add to the aesthetic component of  
his display.


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