[SEL] My bad, was RE: Nuenen 2009

Jim French fbi at insulate.co.uk
Sun Jul 12 06:12:31 PDT 2009

Hi Orrin

I had a real struggle sorting the pictures out.  Over the 3 days of the 
show, I took 400 pictures, and used over 200 of them on the website.  I 
TRIED to be organised, and take pictures of display boards etc, but I 
kept forgetting.  Also I'd take several pictures of the same engine on 
different days, so they weren't all neatly together. 
With the East German inverted display, I finally resorted to putting 
them all on the same page rather than trying to spot the difference!  It 
was difficult to tell which of their engines were original and which 
were replicas.
So many of the engines had stories to tell (one of the reasons why I 
tried to get more pictures this time of the owners with their engines; 
they are justifiably proud of what they've achieved), but I couldn't 
remember all the details.  My favourite engine 
http://www.oldengine.org/members/dolly/nuenen09/83a.htm was the subject 
of an early 20th century legal dispute.  The Czech maker had directly 
copied an American design (typically, I can't remember which one, but it 
reminds me a lot of a Fairbanks Morse T) and was sued by that 
manufacturer.  So he paid his fine, stopped making them and promptly 
started copying another type of engine (possibly Amanco).
The wonderful thing about Nuenen is that you're never sure how to cross 
the language barrier.  Will the owner be English, Dutch, Belgian, 
French, German, Hungarian etc etc, and which language will they speak?  
It was amazing how much of a conversation could be had in two completely 
different languages, plus a lot of gestures!  I also noticed during one 
conversation that the engine owner was familiar with technical engine 
terms, but struggled with some every day conversational language!
Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the pictures, and hope they give some 
idea of what a very special show it is.


Orrin B Iseminger wrote:
> Dolly --
> Ah, I get it now.  My bad.
> Sorry to raise an alarm.
> Orrin
> Orrin Iseminger

Jim French
fbi at insulate.co.uk

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