[SEL] inline 4

MaytagTwin at aol.com MaytagTwin at aol.com
Mon Jan 26 20:15:07 PST 2009

In a message dated 1/26/2009 7:20:47 PM Central Standard Time,  
bboyce at swat.coop writes:

just  picked up an inline 4 cylinder wisconsin air cooled engine,,,, does 
anyone  have one of these, or a manual ? or maybe a parts engine,, i;m missing 
part of  the upper shroud and air cleaner,,,,,
bill boyce
lost prairie,  arkansas

Hi Bill,
A friend of mine who isn't a list member at this time  does have an engine 
like yours.  I forwarded your request to him and below  you'll see his two 
I wish you success with your engine.  I have seen  Gerald's inline four and 
it is a fine looking engine.
Ron Carroll
Clearmont, MO USA  (where all the little Maytags  are safely tucked away 
awaiting the Sprint thaw.  Damn!  It is COLD  out.)
Hi Ron,
I do indeed have a Wisconsin AC4.  There were  thousands of these engines 
built mainly for use on combines from what I  understand.  However, there were a 
few that were built strictly for  stationary power units complete with a metal 
"dog house" enclosure complete with  removable louvered side panels and a 
large gas tank built into the top of the  enclosure.  These are not very common 
and this is what I have.  My  engine was built in 1943.  These engines have 
aluminum blocks and are  magneto fired, using a simple updraft carburetor.  They 
are built using  Timken main roller bearings on the ends of the crankshaft.  
This gives the  ability to remove paper shims from under the end bearing caps 
to take up slack  as the bearings wear.  When I acquired my engine the bearings 
were  shot.  At that time we still owned the power equipment company and did 
lots  of work on Wisconsin engines.  We tried to get parts from Wisconsin but 
had  no luck.  However, as it turns out we were able to go to NAPA and find  
bearings that would work.  We also found rings to fit the pistons.  We  
eventually did a complete rebuild on my engine including rings, bearings and  valves. 
 The air cleaner used on an AC4 is a standard large  size Wisconsin can type 
of filter with the "hat" cover using a replacement  dry filter element inside. 
 After a little digging I eventually found a man  in California who somehow 
had acquired the stock of a large Wisconsin dealer  there including service 
manuals.  He agreed to copy all his AC4 data for me  for a fee.  Over a period of 
several years I shared this information with  anyone asking for help never 
asking for or expecting any compensation to  cover the time and cost of copying 
and mailing the sizable amount of information  I had.   The last time I did 
it, I sent it all free of charge to a  collector and never received so much as a 
"thank you".   When I  retired, the ring binders containing the information 
were packed away with  dozens of other leftovers from years of business and 
stacked in a large pile  somewhere in my basement....never to be seen again in 
the last several  years.  I wish I knew what ever happened to the information 
but I  don't.   The best advice I can give anyone trying to rebuild one is to  
use NAPA as a parts source and try to cross match parts to fit.
I forgot to mention that my engine has the hand  clutch and flat belt pulley 
on it.  I use it each year at our church  Heritage Day to power my big corn 
sheller.  It can be a little contrary to  hand crank sometimes but once you 
learn the procedure and how to choke and not  choke it, it starts reliably.
Now you know about all I know to tell about the  AC4.  If you want to pass 
this info along to the guy that posted to the  list, feel free to do so.  
Unfortunately I no longer have access to the  manuals and materials I once had.  I 
wish I had taken better care of  them.

----- Original Message ----- 
From:  _MaytagTwin at aol.com_ (mailto:MaytagTwin at aol.com)  
To: _geraldajohnson at bellsouth.net_ (mailto:geraldajohnson at bellsouth.net)   
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 8:24  PM
Subject: Fwd: [SEL] inline 4

Hi Gerald,
Don't you have one of these inline 4 Wisconsin air  cooled engines?

Me again.  I just did a quick Google search  for Wisconsin AC4 and believe it 
or not, there is a company now offering a  complete copy of an original 
service manual!  You might want to pass this  along to the person needing one.  

-----  Original

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