[SEL] Campbell pic's

Russell Gilbert russell at ncable.com.au
Fri Jan 23 03:34:16 PST 2009

G'day all in engine land! Well to say it's hot is quiet an 
understatement! But never feer, I have had way to many hot days in 
the shed so we now have the big mother of all air conditioners in the 
work shop so a pussy 42 degree day is NO EXCUSE!  (YES WE CAN)  !!! :-)

So ..... I found some spare time and had my darling wife help me (Yes 
it's true) thread some 1 1/4 in pipe for the cooling system on the 
campbell. I needed to get it done so I could run it again. Anyway we 
are getting real close for party time at the national Folks! All them 
who wish to see may take a peak on my webshot @: 
http://community.webshots.com/album/561752495RfcIse  Only a couple 
more pics there but the old girl is running again. Starts very easy 
now and is really getting some good compression up.

enjoy, Russell

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