[SEL] Back to the Briggs coil

William Olson weolson at wiktel.com
Tue Feb 24 10:08:25 PST 2009

Hi Jerry,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 7:45:04 AM, you wrote:

JE>          What I want to try doing is to use these coils to replace burnt
JE> out coils on 2 Maytag twin engines (Eisemann mags) as I read about this on
JE> a Smokstak forum here:
JE> <http://www.smokstak.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40815>
JE> and also had some offline correspondence with Ed Radtke who seems to have
JE> done many of these conversions.
JE>          The most important part of what he (and the forum) mentioned was
JE> that the coil had to be of the older type for "points ignition" not the
JE> later replacement for electronic ignition and that this Briggs coil worked
JE> on the same principle as the Maytag coil. ie the spark travels from the
JE> coil to the 1st plug - then through the block to the second plug and then
JE> back to the coil and not to earth. (My stupidity shows here - I only quote
JE> this "parrot" fashion.)

JE>          It is for this reason that I got all excited when I found the 2 #
JE> 394988 coils on eBay. (Actually the link was forwarded to me by John Smith
JE> who I believe to be quite clued up on B&S parts).

JE>          So Guys after this long post here is my question to you 
JE> knowledgeable guys. Have I bought the correct coils (as I believe I have)?

JE> Many thanks to you all for the help so far and also for what will still come.
JE> Keep well,
JE> Jerry
JE> P.S. I have my one Maytag twin running at present using a battery and 2 car
JE> coils. It runs beautifully but I'd like to get rid of the battery and coils.

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Have you tried Bill Lopouls' site at      http://www.magnetoparts.com/maytag_mag.htm 
He lists Matag Twin coils and information about them.  
One thing that you may already know, with this type of ungrounded, double ended coil, you never want to let it work with one end open, either have it connected to two Spark Plugs or ground one end.  Otherwise the voltage may go high enough to punch through the insulation.  
Thanks,  William                       mailto:weolson at wiktel.com
Roosevelt, Minn. USA
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