[SEL] [Fwd: Re: Sad News]
Arnie Fero
fero_ah at city-net.com
Sun Feb 22 11:19:21 PST 2009
Many of you know Nels Johnsrud from back in the day when he was active on the SEL.
You probably remember his Hercules can crusher which was always a crowd pleaser and
his passion for David Bradleys.
He lost his daugher Tara on Friday and asked me to pass this on to the lists.
See ya, Arnie
--------------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------------
Subject: Re: Sad News
From: "Nelson Johnsrud" <gop4evr at lsol.net>
Date: Sun, February 22, 2009 8:24 am
To: "Arnie Fero" <fero_ah at city-net.com>
How wonderful to hear from you again, although I wish the circumstances
were better. I have also received notes from Dave, Rob & Kelly, Reg,
and others. I had tried a few months ago to re-subscribe to the engine
list, but was unsuccessful. I don't know what the reason is, and I am
not up to figuring it out right now. Will you please forward this to
the engine group for me?
Dear friends --
First, the short version of what happened:
May daughter, Tara, whom several of you have met when she was younger,
developed a digestive disorder recently. The diagnosis was Crohn's
disease, although there was one specialist who was not in complete
agreement. She developed two large infected abscesses in her abdomen
which needed to be drained. This was thought to be a relatively low
risk procedure, done with a large needle and vacuum, much like
liposuction. After the procedure, she developed abdominal bleeding, and
she had to be taken back to the OR for emergency surgery. She was
already weakened by the steroids and drugs she was taking. Combine that
with the fact that she had been in a generally weakened state due to her
inability to absorb nutrition because of the antibiotics required to
treat her lower GI infection. Anyway, after the second surgery her
blood pressure dropped and heart rate went up and she went into
pulmonary edema. Her heart failed, and so did all efforts to
resuscitate her. She just did not have the strength to fight back. She
passed on about 8pm on Friday evening. She was 23 years old, and the
pride of my life. She just got married last July. She took her proud
father's arm and we walked up the aisle together as I gave her away.
Now only 7 months later, she will be carried by 6 of her friends back
down that very same aisle in a blue and silver box. This is the most
painful thing our family has ever had to endure.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It is good to know that
though we have not been in close contact for awhile, friends are still
friends. Many engine list members have contracted me with their well
wishes, and I don't have the concentration level right now to answer all
of them individually. All of you please know that I have read your kind
notes and taken them to heart. Jane and I pass along our heartfelt
thanks for you support.
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
Arnie Fero wrote:
> Nels,
> I just heard the sad news about Tara. You have my deepest sympathies my friend.
> I can't begin to imagine how it feels to lose a child.
> You and your family will be in my thoughts during this incredibly difficult time.
> Take care.
> Arnie
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