[SEL] bending cast iron

Andy Glines andyglines at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 07:20:34 PST 2009

Bill, I would recommend that you leave the bent casting alone.  Just shim the mag as needed to make it sit level.  If you do decide to straighten the bracket be sure to keep the pieces so that you can use them for a pattern to have a new bracket cast.  > 11. bending cast iron (bill boyce)> Message: 11> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 05:58:54 -0600> From: "bill boyce" <bboyce at swat.coop>> Subject: [SEL] bending cast iron> i was wondering if anyone has any experience in bending cast iron.... the mag bracket on my 1 1/2 horse waterloo boy has a slight bend where it bolts over the ignitor, causing the mag to lean down just a little and be out of aligment with the trip bracket,,,, looks like the engine may have tipped over at one point and fell against the mag,,,,the bend is ever so slight,,,,,,,,the material is about 1/4 inch thick at the bend, which is on either side of the oval cut out hole for the ignitor,,,,,, any thoughts on straightning it would be appreciated,,,> bill boyce
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