[SEL] question about oil engines

Eric Schulz ilifa at internode.on.net
Wed Feb 4 16:03:27 PST 2009

On 05/02/2009, at 10:19 AM, Rob Skinner wrote:

> I did a more comprehensive, although not nearly all-inclusive article
> that you can download:
> http://engines.rustyiron.com/articles/AlternativeFuel.pdf

Rob, as you said, "oil" was a very flexible term. In Australia we even  
had petrol engines referred to as oil engines. It seems that any  
petroleum product fitted the bill.

Had a look at your above article. One think I am curious about is the  
inclusion of the Australian Jelbart in your photos. I say this because  
it was a spark ignition engine and the others, with the exception of  
the Blackstone, are all lamp start.


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