[SEL] Memories !!! (a bit O.T.)
Mike Royster
mr at carolina.rr.com
Thu Dec 10 14:44:21 PST 2009
Quit having so much fun and get back to my tags!!!! :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Evans" <jerrye at databak.co.za>
To: <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>; <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 3:33 PM
Subject: [SEL] Memories !!! (a bit O.T.)
> Hi All,
> I just picked up a United States Motors Corp. Genset.
> Unfortunately the motor itself is past saving. Someone in it's past
> stripped everything out of it and just used the crankcase, bearings and
> crankshaft. A "Vee belt" pulley was fitted in place of the flywheel and it
> was then belted to a small Lister to provide the power.
> The genny itself as well as the electrical control board appears
> to be complete so I will have to find something to drive it. It's a 36
> volt/42 (or maybe 4.2 I cannot see a "point" on the plate) amp @ 2600
> R.P.M. unit. Beautiful etched brass plate painted in 2 colours but more of
> the genny later. Pics will follow soon.
> Anyway, the subject line says "Memories". While "Googling" for
> info I came across this page from Google books - Popular Science 1951
> which
> carries an advert for United States Motors Corp.
> <http://www.google.co.za/#hl=en&q=%22United+states+motors+corp.%22+oshkosh&start=10&sa=N&fp=aef3ef553a1223ca>
> This brought back so many memories of childhood - I used to read
> "Popular Mechanics" and the part I remember most was all the fantastic
> adverts for such "cool stuff" at such affordable prices - "army surplus" -
> "electric motors" - "build it yourself plans" etc.
> How I dreamt of living in the USA and being able to buy some of
> those things!! Of course, in those days it was not as easy as today to
> order via the Internet. Buying (or importing) something from a magazine
> advert was just unheard of. I used to spend hours reading the adverts and
> dreaming what I could do with some of the great stuff advertised there.
> Everything was so cheap (in those days our currency was equal to the
> dollar)and prices were about 1/4 of what we would have to pay locally. Of
> course I had no money in those days but that was never a reason not to
> dream!
> I am sure that I enjoyed the adverts more than I enjoyed the
> actual articles. They certainly provided me with many hours of pleasurable
> dreaming !!
> Many years passed after I'd left home (without "Popular Mechanics"
> - my Dad used to buy them) and the local currency became weak against the
> US$ making the magazine a luxury which I could not afford. Then one day,
> probably about 15 years ago I came across them on the bookstore shelves
> again, but now as a "South African edition" and affordable. My heart
> jumped
> for joy and I bought one and rushed home to read it (actually I probably
> read it in my car outside the bookstore). What a disappointment - it never
> had all those great adverts anymore - no more 'bargains" - no more "army
> surplus" - no more "build it yourself plans" !! Just the same old adverts
> that all our other local mags had. I remember feeling devastated and "let
> down". That was the last "Popular Mechanics" I ever bought - I do not even
> know if there is a local edition anymore.
> O.K. that's enough rambling and memories - more about the genset
> later.
> Keep the revs up (or down)
> Jerry Evans
> Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
> Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:
> <www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm>
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