[SEL] Indiana.edu

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 11:31:26 PST 2009

2009/12/8 Listerdiesel <listerdiesel at gmail.com>:
> 2009/12/8 Arnie Fero <fero_ah at city-net.com>:
>> And mine are written using those invisible neutrons rather than the more
>> conventional electrons.  They're all there, but you need special Detecto-Specs to
>> see 'em.
>> See ya,  Arnie
> What I would LOVE to find a copy of, is the Mourning Doves exchange
> between you and Rob.
> I've got part of it on paper print, but not the whole exchange.

Here's a part of it:

To: stationary-engine at atis.net
Subject: Re: Morning Doves--OT
From: MaytagTwin at aol.com
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 11:20:19 EDT

In a message dated 7/28/2001 8:53:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
feroa at venus.pgh.wec.com writes:

<<  im now trying to teach
 that black snake to fly since i aint got my doves no more.  can you help
 me teach him to fly?  arnie bill-bo >>

Dear Arnie,
I wish you wouldn't even make jokes about teaching that black snake to fly.
Here at the Maytag Mansion on Poverty Ridge we are so poor we don't have any
doves but we do have starlings.  We used to have only a few nesting in the
shed, but after hurricane Floyd, when the roof opened a little, we now have a
nice flock nesting in the attic.   Admittedly, our starlings make a sqwaking
noise rather than the soothing cooing the doves make, and they tend to shit
all over the clothes on the clothes line, but, they are friendly and always
come out to say hello whenever I go out to pee under the lilac bush and that
is more than the doves ever did, no wonder people around here shoot doves.
But back to the point about not teaching your snake to fly.  We have black
snakes here, too, and while they are good about keeping down the rats and
mice, they give my starlings a hard time and I want to know how to keep that
from happening and I don't think teaching them to fly (the snakes) is any
kind of answer.  So far the best thing I have found is to put wads of plastic
netting like you use to keep your cherry tree from having those damn birds
eat all the cherries (not the starlings, the other birds) around where the
snakes might crawl and when they try to crawl through the netting is works
just like a gill net and you have yourself a nice fat black snake all ready
for whatever you want to do with him.  I apologize for writing about
starlings instead of doves, but I really don't want to see snakes fly because
then they wouldn't get caught in the fruit tree netting and they would be
able to roam my attic and eat my baby starlings.  Please hep.

PS:  Does anyone have a good recipe for black snake, a friend wants to know.
PPS:  Starlings are not blackbirds, so don't even start talking about how
many for a pie.


Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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