[SEL] O.T. Test now question about touch paper

Bob W7AVK rolfb at accima.com
Mon Aug 10 15:48:23 PDT 2009

Jame - The FM was before my time.   But I've been told they were 
designed for very much "on the cheap" immediately after WWII to get 
something into the fields  when the UK was in very bad times and 
resources were hard to come by.  Using such a starting technique was the 
ultimate in simple as there was no electrical system.  Sorry, forgot to 
tell you about the starting cartridge which is in effect a very slow 
burning black powder which 12 gauge blank that creates a high pressure 
"push" on the pre positioned piston [top ].  Idea is to get enough 
energy into the over sized fly wheel that the next compression cycle is 
pushed through and the engine starts.  Being a single cylinder its an 
experience to ride the tractor for it really shakes.  :-)     The paper 
was really a manual glow plug.    I've seen them started without using 
the paper.  


Bob R
Moses Lake, WA USA

Kangas, James G. wrote:
> Thank you George and Bob for your replies,
>   That sounds like quite a unique way to start an engine. I've heard of some aircraft engines that use a starter cartridge, but the Field Marshall is the first one I've heard of using touch paper to start.
>    Jim K.
> ________________________________

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