[SEL] (no subject)

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Fri Sep 5 08:38:13 PDT 2008

On Sep 4, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Tod Engine Foundation wrote:

> For what good it will do, I sent a scathing email to Irwin Tools

Why, Rick?

An employee-employer relationship is one of mutual benefit.  If the  
relationship ceases to be beneficial, either party has the right to  
sever the relationship.

What was your first job?  Maybe a floor sweeper in a shop, or a  
hamburger flipper?  After you performed at the job for six months or a  
year, you became smarter and found yourself a better job.  Should you  
have been indebted to your former employer?  Should you have been  
forced to continue sweeping floors, like an indentured servant?  The  
fact is, the relationship was no longer beneficial for you, so you  
severed it.

If, by your own laziness or personal limitations, you were unable to  
improve yourself and get a better job, should your former employer  
have been forced to continue paying you to sweep floors until you  
reached the age of retirement?

The answer is "NO!," because this isn't France, this isn't Germany.   
This is the United States of America, where we all have the freedom to  
enter into the business relationships that we choose.

Opportunities abound for those who are willing to are willing to seize  
them.  For those who are not, mediocrity awaits.

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