[SEL] Wanted: Magneto, F-M J 2-Cylinder

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 13:13:24 PST 2008

Looking for a Fairbanks-Morse FM-J magneto, number on the side should be:

JFE 2B 69A

That is a flange-mounted, radio shielded plug leads, jump-spark
magneto for Onan W series engines. The 69 is Onan's maker code, the E
is radio shielded, B is flange mount, 2 is the number of cylinders.

We have two engines without magnetos, so any non-working ones would be
useful as well, or any used parts that are good. Ship to AZ or MI or
direct to the UK, all shipping expenses paid plus the magneto cost.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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