[SEL] Web Sites Shut Down

James Mackessy jmackess at twcny.rr.com
Fri Nov 21 04:49:56 PST 2008

     Just a note to take care of some internet ettiquette I have long
     Thank you for sharing the information on your web site. I don't own a
Lister or a Petter, but your thread charts helped me through the restoration
of some Stuart steam engine models I have. I am, I am sure, just one of
thousands who have benefitted from your sharing of the information on your
web site. Too often we use the information offered by others without thanks.
     That being said, I would never dream of downloading content from
other's sites to post on my site or album without permission, and I hope a
majority of your site's readers feel the same, but there will always be a
few with a "ghetto" mentality and attitude who feel they can do "whatever"
and then not make things right when they're called out on it. I hope you
will forget this idiot and know that the vast majority of us appreciate your
efforts and insights that have graced these forums and the internet for a
long time now! Thanks again, and all the best to you and yours!
Jim Mackessy
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Listerdiesel" <listerdiesel at gmail.com>
To: "Jim Dunmyer" <jdunmyer at toltbbs.com>; "Stationary-Engine"
<stationary-engine at oldengine.org>; "The SEL email discussion list"
<sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Web Sites Shut Down

> On 19/11/2008, Listerdiesel <listerdiesel at gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW here is the thread that caused the problem:
> http://listerengine.com/smf/index.php?topic=3987.0
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter A Forbes
> Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/diesel
> http://stationary-engine.co.uk
> http://www.oldengine.co.uk
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