[SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

armstrong gnarmstrong at netnitco.net
Sun Nov 9 16:22:35 PST 2008

"We needed a new president , but we got the wrong one." USMC Retired--Semper 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "P. Johns" <enginepaul at gmail.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] OT ..congrats to the US

> True:
> "The really stupid part is that some of these idiots in government
> would like to make it a crime to defend yourself with a gun in your
> own home."
> In California you had to prove that you couldn't escape your own house if
> you used a gun. That's right; if you were in your own home and someone 
> broke
> in, you had to run. One SanFran guy was being sued because he shot a crook
> that reached through his  security gate and grabbed the wife by the hair.
> There are many other examples of the bad guys having rights while 
> committing
> crimes. But that's for Slick.
> Back to the beginning; a new President may be needed, but we got the wrong
> one.
> Happy Birthday U.S. Marines (November 10th)
> Semper Fi,
> Paul in SanFran
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