[SEL] O.T. O.T. Dodge Wiring Problem UPDATE!

Chuck Balyeat kerogas at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 5 14:19:59 PST 2008

> He did tell me that when his headlights will begin to flicker he can reach 
> over and raise up on the pull out knob for the headlights and it will 
> stop, when he lets pressure off of the pull out knob for the headlights 
> they will start to flicker again. It may be the blooming switch again 
> which is a $100.00 plus unit.>>>

The industry term for this is  "jiggling it " , and although quite primitive 
, you'll find it most indicative of a fault .

Punch in #  DS357 , and if that is her , it is a far cry from a hundred 

Chuck Balyeat

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