[SEL] Petter PU8 4kW 110V DC Searchlight Generator

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat May 31 10:37:38 PDT 2008

For some inexplicable reason, we bought this bl**dy great lump on ebay
this week! :-))

No2 son went down to Southampton and collected it in his little
Vauxhall Combo van, something that I would have said was not possible,
but he got it in there with room and weight to spare.

It is nicely original, quirky bits on the engine design, GEC generator
and control electrics, pretty much original down to the toolboxes
(wooden) on top of the frame and starting handle.

The silencer is rusted out, judging by the huge shower of rust when we
dropped it out of the back of Philip's van, but apart from a couple of
stuck valves, it look as if it hasn't done a lot of work at all.

I did take some pictures today but the lighting outside was a bit
unusual (sun+cloud) and they came out a bit flat and lacking contrast,
so I'll retake them tomorrow with the newer camera.

Looking for any info on the unit. Anyone else got one? I seem to
remember Kerry having one tucked away somewhere? maybe not a complete

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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