[SEL] Junkers HK65 Twin Cylinder 1936

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Thu May 22 10:32:34 PDT 2008

Out of the blue, an old engine contact emailed me the other day,
asking if I knew anyone that would be interested in an old Junkers
engine, or maybe I would?

The seller sold me a Cub diesel some 3 years or so ago, and I
remembered that he had mentioned the Junkers at the time, but that it
wasn't for sale.

Anyway, we have struck a deal on the engine and we will collect next
month when we get the end of month frolics over at the factory (we
make most of our output in the last week or so of each month)

Couple of pictures here:


or at:


Happily, we already have a parts book in multi-language form from 1941
for this very engine, and an Operator's Manual in German.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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