[SEL] Nunen 2008 Video Clips

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sun May 18 03:13:17 PDT 2008

2008/5/18 john palmer <ottoslidevalve at hotmail.com>:
> Peter,thanks for the vids.I found them fasinating! Little bit worried about the man with the Pool engine,he seems a bit unsteady on his feet and his tee shirt is all wet.Good job there was some one to look after him there.  John>

They had a lot of trouble with the crank and big-end bearing running
hot, and they also changed the crankshaft round in the engine after a
keyway problem with the flywheel.

It was pretty hot as well!

All of the videos are sorted out now, I'll post the details later on today.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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