[SEL] Nunen 2008 Video Clips

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat May 17 04:44:34 PDT 2008

We are up to Page 8 on the still photographs (24 per page) and have
taken a break to start on the video clips.

We took 70 or so clips at the show, concentrated on the runners,
including the models.

Traditionally we have always put the clips up individually with a menu
page to select which one you want. Each thumbnail has the clip number,
file size and running time.

That will continue, but we have also done something a little different
with the Nuenen clips, and have grouped clips of the same engine into
one larger file with an extended run time.

The Pool engine was the first to get the treatment, you can't access
the individual clips yet as the whole set hasn't been produced, but
the larger (6mb) clip which runs for 57 seconds is available now at:


The Loog-Landaal engine is on, 1min 27secs, 9mb:


It is in wide-screen format and Windows Media player should pick it up
OK. You may need to pull the margins out on each side.

When we do the main menu, the grouped videos will have a section of
their own somewhere.

If you cannot get into one of the servers, try one of the others as
they always get busy and slow when everyone jumps on to look at big
files! We have opened up another site at stationary-engine.net to ease
the access problems for a few days.


Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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