[SEL] Fw: Bee Stings OT

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Wed May 7 04:36:04 PDT 2008

LOL, that poor fellow must live in a bee hive or be on their most wanted
list or have the worst luck in the world. Never heard of anyone and their
family getting stung so often in such a short time!

We live around thousands of wasps, bees and hornets out here by the river
and woods, only ever been stung once. Baking soda paste worked for
me......... and I'm mildly allergic.

> Sort of off topic but if this remedy works especially at some of the later
> summer and fall engine shows when the wasps & hornets seem to be at the
> worst
> around our engine sites its worth sharing.
> Curt
> ----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
> From:    "Robert & Caryl Horstmeier" <randchorst at mchsi.com>
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> Cc:      "Kay & Jerry Klever" <jkayklever at verizon.net>
> Subject: Fw: Bee Stings
> Date:    Mon, 5 May 2008 02:32:42 +0000
>          Subject: Fw: Bee Stings
>  This information may be something to remember, as
>  this season will soon be here
>          again...
> It might be wise to carry a penny in your pocket
> while working in the yard......... BEE STINGS !
> A couple of weeks ago, I was stung by both a bee
> and hornet while working in the garden.
> My arm swelled up, so I went to the doctor. The
> clinic gave me cream and an antihistamine. The next day the swelling was
> getting progressively worse, so I went to my regular doctor. The arm was
> Infected and
> needed an antibiotic.
> The doctor told me - ' The next time you get stung, put a penny on
> the bite for 15 minutes'.
> That night, my niece was stung by two bees. I
> looked at the bite and it had already started to swell. So,
> I taped a penny to her arm for 15 minut es. The next
> morning, there was no sign of a bite  We decided that she
> just wasn't allergic to the sting.
> Soon, I was gardening outside. I got stung again,
> twice by a hornet on my left hand. I thought, here
> I go again to the doctor for another antibiotic.
> I promptly got my money out and taped two pennies
> to my bites, then sat and sulked for 15 minutes. The penny
> took the string out of the bite immediately.
> In the meantime the hornets were attacking, and my
> friend was stung on the thumb. Again the penny. The next
> morning I could only see the spot where the hornet had
> stung me. No redness, no swelling.  My friend's sting
> was the same; couldn't even tell where she had been stung.
> She got stung again a few days later upon her
> back---cutting the grass! And the penny worked once again.
> Wanted to share this marvelous information in case
> you experience the same problem. We need to keep a stock of
> pennies on hand .
> The doctor said that the copper in the penny
> counteracts the bite.  It definitely works!
> Please remember and pass this information on to
> your friends, children, grandchildren, etc.
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