[SEL] Auction Results

Judge Tommy Turner lcjudge at scrtc.com
Sat May 3 20:29:21 PDT 2008

Here is some info regarding the auction in Sugar Grove (Boone) NC 
(Triplett Auction)

It was a great auction and Bill was very pleased. The crowd was small 
but everyone seemed to be a buyer. The largest bid number I saw was in 
the 60's. Possibly fuel prices have curtailed the crowds a bit.

The sale started very slow. Oilers were the first items on the block. 
Bill's collection of brass was one of the best. There were bargains at 
the beginning, #3 and #4 Lunk. old style Paragons (in great condition) 
bringing $85 to $100. But after a few minutes the crowd warmed up and 
things began to bring somewhat retail prices. Here is just a 
"smattering" of some of the brass that sold (as I explained, the prices 
were a bit all over the board due to the slow start) A 6.75% sales tax 
was added to the final price at checkout (the prices I've quoted don't 
include the sales tax). There was no buyer's premium:

Paragon Old Style (nice oilers) #4 thru #6 sizes $85 - $120 each

#2 Mars (nice) $475

#3 Mars (nice) $500

Full Set of Lunk. Paragon oilers (Including the #8), most in nice 
condition, all oilers were the early style with the inverted hex on the 
base, all were mounted on a board: $1100 (a very good buy I think)

Full set of Lunk Sentinels (including #8), later style Setinels, very 
nice condition, mounted on board: $1700

#2 Lunk Ruby, nice condition: $1000

#2 Lunk Ruby, not quite as good as above: $500

Full set of Lunk. Paragons (including #8) old style but with regular hex 
bottom, mounted on board: $1700

Lonergan wine glass oilers, various styles and sizes (most were 
smaller), all with embossed glasses, some with flip up top, some with 
pillar top: $275 to $500

As for the engines, you can view them at the auction website:


along with a pretty good description of each engine. The prices show are 
what the buyer had to pay the cashier as there was a 6.75% sales tax on 
each engine (I left off the odd cents and there was no buyer's premium):

4 HP Geiser - $53,375
6 HP Geiser - $43,767
7 HP Foos - $10,675
8 HP Westinghouse - $7,205
10 HP Otto - $16,012
12 HP FM Type N - $29,356
6 HP Mogul - $6,618
15 HP Titan - $24,552
4 1/2 HP GSM - $3,202
4 1/2 HP Gearless Olds - $21,350
12 HP Olds (Hopper Cooled) - $9,607
12 HP Olds (Tank Cooled) - $13,877
2 HP Domestic - $1,601
15 HP Reid - $320
20 HP Oil City Boiler Works - $4,163
12 HP Reid - $2,562
25 HP Superior Industrial - $19,748
20 HP Superior - $3,202
20 HP Evans - $3,202
20 HP Olin/Titusville - $3,736
20 HP Olin/Titusville - $3,202
20 HP Simplex - $4,803
20 HP Reid - $1,547
?HP Pattin Bros - $1,227

One tidbit of info I'll add here. The 12 HP FM Type N is an engine I 
used to own. I purchased the engine in Beattyville, KY in 1976 and it 
had been rigged up to run an oil well. I paid $35 for it. Looks like 
inflation got hold of it!

Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY

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