[SEL] tapered pin removal
Alan Bowen
rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Fri May 2 07:02:17 PDT 2008
Nice non-standard use of tools.
Thanks for sharing.
--- Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> The Famous fuel butterfly is held on to the shaft with two very small (.080)
> tapered pins. There is no access from the other side of the pins to knock
> them out, so they must be pulled. I solved this by clamping a pair of
> lineman's pliers to the pins using the c-clamp. I then bolted a pair of steel plates
> to the end if the pliers. I slid a steel bar thru the plier handles,
> grabbed with both hands and gave a quick wrap to the steel plates. Both pins game
> out quickly! Nice when a simple plan comes together and nothing broken!
> Photos at _http://www.oldengine.org/members/schmutz/pins.jpg_
> (http://www.oldengine.org/members/schmutz/pins.jpg)
> Tom Schmutz
> Concord, Va.
> germaoamer at AOL.com
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