[SEL] Mystery engine

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 13:31:49 PDT 2008

On 22/03/2008, Richard Strobel <Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com> wrote:
> Peter, SSS is what the tag says and it's listed in the BPB, but only shows a
>  horizontal and doesn't mention vertical.   Lister has been mentioned and
>  also re-badge.  The funnel is part of the casting, does have a fuel pump,
>  H&M, and he believes valve cages are used.  Little lever on the carb. says
>  "Start, Run."
>  Thanks much,
> Rick

The block and hopper are definitely not Lister, but the flywheels have
a 'family resemblance' for want of a better word.

Lister also used valve cages, as did a lot of engine makers, but their
use died out after better lubrication and valve guide material came
along. Cost of production and assembly was quite high as well.

BYB says they handled Novo engines, which is what I would guess at as
its ancestry, Standard Scale were only agents according to C H W.

It does look sweet!

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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