[SEL] What is it?

George Best George at irontrader.com
Sat Mar 15 10:57:24 PDT 2008

When you're walking around during a swap meet looking at engine parts often 
the vendor doens't know what the part fits, just knows it an old engine 
Knowing what the part fits can make the part much more valuable, especially 
if it is something you can use.

I've loaded a picture at this address:


To some people it would look like a spring off an implement or something. 
While it really is a spring off an engine and I think would be hard to find 
a replacement.

If you have one of these engines you probably know what the spring is for, 
if you don't take a guess. ;-)


ps  I know what the spring fits.  Just thought it might be an interesting 
diversion to post pictures of unusual parts and see if people can guess what 
it fits. 

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