[SEL] Charity auction discussion at the forum site

MaytagTwin at aol.com MaytagTwin at aol.com
Thu Mar 6 00:06:22 PST 2008

Hi Spencer,
I think I owe $35 and have not yet sent it because I don't know where to  
mail it.  Please advise me so that I can be square with this.
Ron Carroll
In a message dated 3/5/2008 10:41:28 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
yostsw at atis.net writes:

I think  the last of the charity auction money came in last week, so we 
are ready  to discuss sending out the money.    Drop by the forum site 
and  make nominations and be ready to discuss nominations and vote in the 
poll  that is set up.   Be sure to read the message under the poll before  
you vote.


As usual, I'll be out  of town a lot the next 10 days but should be able 
to check in every 1 to 3  3 days.  

Happy nominating and  voting!



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