[SEL] Decision Time
Russell Gilbert
russell at ncable.com.au
Wed Jan 30 13:04:44 PST 2008
Pete you are the only one who can answer such a question. It's a
shame I live so far away from you as I know how heavy these engines
are and to come help shift them out would be the least I could do,
althought Im just wondering where I would get the 1000sq foot of extra room :-)
At 04:51 AM 31/01/2008, you wrote:
>Seriously (for a minute anyway)
>After more discussions the other evening, and following on from
>George's posting, we are at the point of deciding on whether to devote
>more time to the website and engine matters therein, and less on the
>actual mechanical side of things.
>I am going to be 62 in February, and while I am still very active, the
>lugging around of big lumps of iron is starting to take its toll. Like
>my mate, Reggie, I also had a motorcycle accident (back in the early
>1980's) and although I didn't break anything then, the muscles on my
>left arm and shoulder are starting to give me a fair bit of trouble,
>as a result of hitting a car that turned across me as I was overtaking
>him...(wrote off my BMW R100CS as well)
>Anyway, we wanted to get all the engine Patents and other
>carb/magneto stuff listed and on the website before I got to the stage
>where my eyesight wasn't up to doing the volume of computer work
>required. That implies something like 3-4 years work, and with the
>other stuff that we have in the queue for the website, I cannot see us
>having the time to play with the engines AND do the website work.
>The other problem is the cost of storage. We rent a farm building to
>house most of the overspill from the workshop and the engine tent
>outside the house, and that is going to get more expensive soon.
>That's nearly 1000sq ft altogether.
>We'll still be around and active on the Lists, but we will wind down
>the engine collection (about 15 at present) to just the Ruston and the
>Diter and maybe one of the Cub gennies.
>The decision is almost made, unless someone can give me a VERY good
>reason not to do it?
>Peter A Forbes
>Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
Russell Gilbert
Sunny Sunraysia
russell at ncable.com.au
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