[SEL] Babbit metal composition please
Peter Lowe
plowe at exemail.com.au
Tue Jan 8 04:17:35 PST 2008
Hi All
We have been through this before in various forms, but I ask a question from
I am about to pour the bearings for my vertical R&V, these are not split
bearings but hollow cylindrical bearings with no adjustment.
I have melted out the old metal and I am assuming that it is not the
original 103 years old Babbitt, knowing the condition of the flywheels and
Should I assume that, well to be safe I will !!
Now what composition of Babbitt should I use, should I trust the old
bearings and re-use the metal or go with new clean stuff.
I have a full bar of "copper free" Babbitt that was used on the steam
engines at the sugar mill where I used to work, it was used on the gland
packing on the engines, is this too soft. I have no idea what composition
the new stuff I have is, only that it is Copper Free, but it is not as heavy
as the stuff melted out of the old bearings. Does the old stuff have too
much lead in it and too soft?
I have used the Copper Free metal on my R&V Triumph Line engine and is seems
OK. Remember these are not under load and only run at a few shows, but I do
not want to have to pour them again.
Modern oils are also better these days.
I do not mind going out and buying a new bar of Babbitt if the more
knowledgeable members here think I should.
There are a few on the LIST who do know so please do not sit on the fence,
guide me please either on or off the LIST.
plowe at exemail.com.au
This was from Wikipedia
90% tin 10% copper
89% tin 7% antimony 4% copper
80% lead 15% antimony 5% tin
This is from Wikipedia looking under White Metal
% Sn % Sb % Cu % Pb Applications
93 3.5 3.5 - Light and medium IC engine big end bearings
86 10.5 3.5 - Light and medium IC engine main bearings
80 11 3.0 6 General purpose heavy bearings (lead increases plasticity)
60 10 28.5 1.5 Heavy duty marine engine bearings, electrical machines
40 10 1.5 48.5 Low cost, general purpose, medium duty bearings
What should I do mates.
Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Ph: 61-266453455
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