[SEL] August Portland Week options

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 6 19:17:17 PST 2008

That looks like a nice little show.  By "little" I mean, "Not Too Big."

That pulling out Saturday evening seems to be a normal thing for shows just before Portland.  It happens at Buckley too.   How about Baraboo?

I stay until the show ends at Buckley.
The 2007 show really showed me a good reason to stay until the end.
Twenty minutes before the official end of the show I saw a teenage girl a long way off dragging her father towards my display. My guess would say she was 15 years old.
The Herc. was shut down.
The belt was laying on the ground.
The corn sheller was resting.
I still had 2 1/2 bushels of ear corn to shell.
When she got her dad to my sheller he started "explaining" how it all worked.
I just went over to the Hercules S and primed the mixer, shut the choke, retarded the timing and grabbed the flywheels.
I said, "Okay, this flip of the flywheels will pull fuel into the cylinder."
I pulled them over and got just a little puff.
Then I grabbed them again and said, " Get ready, This time it will start."
She gave a little squeal when it fired right up.
I picked up the belt and wrapped it around the sheller's pulley and then slipped it on the engine's pulley.
As the corn sheller came up to speed she was ready.
Definitely a gal slowly growing out of ADHD.
She was so excited to feed that sheller.  It was fun watching her.
I really believed her when she told me the only reason she begged her Dad to bring her to the show was so she could feed my sheller. She remembered it from the year before.  I would have let her go through the whole 1 1/2 bushels, but her dad pulled her away after she had done the 1/2 bushel and was just starting into the one below it.
She reluctantly walked away,,,,,,, Then came running back to put in a couple more. 8>)))))

If I had packed up and left like most people in that area I would have missed seeing that gal have all that fun. Only about seven out of seventy displays in that area stay until after the parade on Sunday.

Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan

chuck emsweller <clemsweller at etczone.com> wrote: Yes, look at www.greensburgpowerofthepast.org

There is normally a good representation of Oil Field and small engines, a
fair number of Steam Engines and lots of tractors.  Friday and Saturday are
the best days.  Lot of the engine folk pull out Sat evening and head for


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