[SEL] OT .....now CDMA and the ''Three Amigos''
brent.tamatea at clear.net.nz
Fri Jan 4 23:03:45 PST 2008
Peter my uncle used to run the solar power plant in white cliffs in the
australian outback it was a very successful scheme it powered up the local
town and surplus was sold back to the grid cant understand why they are not
using more solar power plants its renewable and less costly to recover than
gas ideal in hot dry areas.
He used to live underground to get out of the hot temperatures if he needed
more room he would dig out another bedroom had quite a cool home.I heard of
one chap in britain fired up a stationary engine a diesel fueled one and
runs a generator to power up his own electricty he also is running the old
lister on biodiesel old cooking fat which doesnt cost him anything.Might be
a good idea to have a back up plan regarding water and electricty or energy
these are all going to become scarcities in the future we are seeing the
same here even in a temperate climate in a farming district as farm
operations get bigger and more intensive.Has more to do with demand the
question would be who is using the large portions of power and my guess is
that its large scale industrial that are sucking the bulk of the electricty
to the detriment of the general public would be worth asking that question
to the local mps just to get a response on that one brent nz
----- Original Message -----
From: "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 5:15 PM
Subject: [SEL] OT .....now CDMA and the ''Three Amigos''
> Paul ,do you think it will happen ,both my wife and I have next G or
> whatever they call the bloody things ,they are useless out of major areas.
> The CDMA is in the drawer ,out of contract
> The CDMA was fine .If CDMA is switched off then the outcry from the rural
> areas will be deafening.I hear of so many stories about some one on the
> tractor trying to ring the homestead and cant connect and vice versa.
> I don't want to start but i am really pissed off at what's happening in
> country.An example .....the other day in Perth ,heat wave conditions
> bush fires all over the place and a shutdown at one of the off shore gas
> platforms .Woodside reduce the gas flow down the pipeline so the Energy
> Supplier asks people to turn off their a/c .other wise there will be power
> outages.Next we hear a bloody government minister [Minister for energy,
> state government] rings the overseas owner of a big fertiliser plant on
> Burrup Peninsular [ NW Australia] to ask him if we can have some of our
> back for the local power stations[ all gas fired] otherwise there will be
> shutdowns!Meanwhile we are exporting the bloody stuff to the Chinese.
> As you would well know Paul heat waves are rare in Albany.
> Peter Ogborne
> Little Grove ,Albany
> West Australia
> ''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
> jopeter at omninet.net.au
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