[SEL] Curious

Pete Alleman pja at ralph.lafayette.la.us
Fri Jan 4 09:51:21 PST 2008

On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 06:13 -0800, bill at antique-engines.com wrote:
> What do the list's Linux users use for email, etc?
> I may switch rather than go to Vista (uugghh)

I switched from real UNIX to Linux about 1.5 years ago. I've been using
primarily Evolution for mail, calendar, and contacts. I use Thunderbird
and mutt as secondary mailers. I use Evolution mostly because it
synchronizes with my PDA (Treo).

Ruth uses Thunderbird as her primary mail and contacts, and uses mutt as
a secondary mailer.

There are lots of choices.


Pete Alleman
pja at ralph.lafayette.la.us
Lafayette, Louisana USA

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