[SEL] Sticking lead to cast iron

William Olson weolson at wiktel.com
Thu Feb 28 20:33:32 PST 2008

Hi Jim,
   Try searching for Copper Sulfate or Copper Sulfate uses in your search engine, you should get lots of hits.  It's also used for controlling algae in ponds and killing tree roots in sewer system drain fields, amoung other uses.

Thursday, February 28, 2008, 3:50:13 PM, you wrote:

JD> Rick,
JD> If you can't find copper sulfate anywhere else,
JD> go to any pipeline field office and ask to see the "corrosion guy".
JD> He will have whatever small amount this job would need.
JD> Jim

JD> SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
JD> http://www.stationary-engine.com/mailman/listinfo/sel
Thanks,  William Olson,                       mailto:weolson at wiktel.com
Roosevelt, MN

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