[SEL] Fairbanks Z

Graham Harris ozengine at yahoo.com.au
Fri Dec 5 20:21:12 PST 2008

Gday Edd and Al - agree with all that. For the record my ZAA S/N is 595003 and I recall seeing on the serial number list that it is almost right on that changeover. That was what got me thinking and kinda lucky there, putting straight gears on an earlier serial number would have not been 'correct'. The gears are from a Bamford vertical. Due to a closed crankcase they're in good order so putting aside the finer points of gears, being from the same engine they should mesh good. Next to make a 12 tooth for the governor.


Hi Graham.Going by all the literature I have when F/M went to the R mag they 
changed back to straight teeth.I have and have had many F/M engines and this 
is how it has been with all of them.This info comes from experience and what 
is written in 100 years of F/M and power from the past vol 3.But never say 
never.I have a 6HP tank cooled F/M and it has a flat gov bkt but it is still 
fitted with an AB33 and it is bolted down by the base bolt holes not held 
with the typical clamp across the top.
PO Box 364 Gulgong N.S.W

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