[SEL] ArrrGGhhh! I'm back after 6 years lurking - re: FMZ

Graham Harris ozengine at yahoo.com.au
Thu Dec 4 21:23:13 PST 2008

Edd and Al

Nuh. Well maybe not...My ZAA fairbanks has the gear bracket that does not have the extra height build-up to seat the AB33 type. It therefore must be for a R-rotary. My bracket was potmetal now re-cast in iron using the glued-up original as a pattern. Still have to machine it, hence the shift to straight gears. So not all helical cut FMZ's only had the trip/osc magnetos. My Z BTW is on a lighting plant base. Originally the ignition would have been a buzz box on the hopper run from the "house batteries". I'm putting an R-type on because 1. it fits the bracket 2. I won't have "house batteries" connected, just the Z, cooled by the hopper (not radiator) and a magneto.

Al - Mexico? Well I don't drink the Tequila down here, but the Vic Beer sure is better than the crap that comes from NSW :-) we call our glasses proper names too).

PS Not just any helical gear will fit the FMZ gears. Go get a helical gear out of a car gearbox etc. It wont' mesh straight - I've tried that too.


Al.You need a AB33 or AB34 American Bosh.They were fitted to all F/M with 
helical gears( and many with straight gears) They are a trip mag.The other 
mag you mention is probably of a Wisconsin.
PO Box 364 Gulgong N.S.W
edsengns at optusnet.com.au

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