[SEL] ot ebay

Russell Gilbert russell at ncable.com.au
Thu Apr 10 23:41:58 PDT 2008

G'day all, just wondering if any one else has received this e-mail from ebay:

Hi Russell L. Gilbert
Because you are a valued seller we'd like to let you know about some 
changes to eBay.com.au that are going to make our marketplace an even 
safer place for you to buy and sell.

These changes will be introduced in two stages:

 From 21 May you must offer PayPal on all your listings as well as 
currently permitted payment methods.

 From 17 June you will only be able to offer PayPal on your listings 
and pay on pick up (i.e.paid for when picking up the item).

I will be one who will dramatically reduce the use of ebay. Much of 
the gear we trade is valued in the hundreds. Be buggered if Im gonna 
let them cop another 3% for nothing. Maybe if we all voice our 
concern things may change??? Most times we sell something it is to 
fund the resto of an engine or to make another purchase similar, I 
don't think you are gonna be happy when they take a greater chunk out 
of it. Direct deposit works fine for me, never had any trouble.
just my 2 cents worth,
regards Russell
Russell Gilbert
Sunny Sunraysia
russell at ncable.com.au

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