[SEL] Corn-gas a BUST!
Jerry Evans
jerrye at databak.co.za
Wed Sep 26 11:41:15 PDT 2007
At 06:00 PM 26/09/2007, you wrote:
>Message: 14
>Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:51:32 +0800
>From: "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Corn-gas a BUST!
>To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Brent ,I would not even dignify the previous comments with a reply. We have
>some smart arse people on this list .Your comments were posted with a
>serious intention, not for some patronising, big head know all to respond
>to.Still if it makes them feel good I guess they will continue.
Hi Peter,
Good to see you're still here and riling people up :-)
Gotta tell you a joke:
An old couple were going to get married and he asked her "What do
you think about sex?"
She replied " Well I'd like it infrequently!"
He asked "Is that one or two words?"
You see, punctuation is important!!
Keep well
Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
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