[SEL] Maytags always steal the show !!

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 14:18:54 PDT 2007

Yup, Tommy,
You said that twice now,,,,
So I will tell you.  8>))

I ran my Shotgun Maytag for two years and it was the funny looks and comments from spec-taters that made it fun.  My "Shotgun" is a piece of aluminum tent pole painted black mounted to an early Mouser stock with a couple hand made brass bands. The "Shotgun" was mounted on a pipe stand so the end of the barrel was about seven feet in the air.  I would have people walk straight up to the gun and tell me they heard that all the way across the grounds and they just HAD TO come see what it was.   If you knew the Buckley show grounds,,,, You would know what he was talking about. 
A third year I couldn't do because that cracking gun was too much.

This year I saw another guy with a wanna-be Shotgun Maytag at the Buckley show.  It looked like a band saw had cut that stock out of a plank. It was laying on the ground and I never saw or heard the engine run.

Next year my Maytag will be back, but it will be mounted under a washer and I will either use the reproduction ball muffler or run the exhaust into an old brass fire extinguisher.  I also will have a twin there belted to an eight quart ice cream machine in an old Radio Rocket wagon from the 50s.

I don't think I need to tell you why that will be exciting !!!!  8>)))

Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan

Judge Tommy Turner <lcjudge at scrtc.com> wrote: Like I said John:

If you run a Maytag, make that baby SMOKE!!  What other excitement are 
you going to get out of it?

Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY

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