[SEL] Letter to the Editor - TOMM

Chuck Balyeat kerogas at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 26 09:33:56 PST 2007

 machinery numbers in NZ are even
> > smaller than what's in Australia  and now with a new Government in
> > Australia we might stand a chance to have some laws changed

Be careful what you wish for you might get it.  You may find yourself
TOTALLY controlled by your government.

The very recent legislation bringing the hammer down on outlaw biker clubs
making it illegal to congregate in their clubhouse or associate . Might that 
be applied
to a bunch of gummers billowing dense black smoke from their boilers ?

> > I have a Mietz & Weiss, there was three of them in Queensland two have
> > gone to the USA and I have been offered what some people would say 'good
> > money' and if I sell mine then there is none and if look at a map of
> > Queensland it is bigger the most USA states

Mietz & Weiss?  Is that a native Aussie-built engine?

Is it bigger than Texas ? We just had a Chinese hit and miss engine turn up
about 4 hours away   .   AAAAlmost made it onto my radar . 

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