[SEL] way OT again,,,,overpass clearances

Andy Glines andyglines at hotmail.com
Tue May 15 11:02:46 PDT 2007

>Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 09:34:07 -0500
>From: Dave Rotigel <rotigel at alltel.net>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] way OT again,,,,overpass clearances
>To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Message-ID: < at mail.alltel.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
>I would think that the state (ie individual states) DOT would be able to
>give you that information over the phone.
>          Dave
I agree that they gov't SHOULD have accurate information to give you.  I 
also think that if you rely on the DOT for anything but writing tickets that 
you will be missing parts from your sparyer when you get home.  My first 
suggestion is to make changes necessary to get the height below 13'6" which 
is the MIN clearance in most places.  I also suggest that you check into 
some resources used by the trucking industry.  Their may be some good 
websites to help you plan your route.  I think that there are maps published 
specifically for truckers with clearance and weight restriction info.  You 
can check the nearest truckstop for these maps.

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