[SEL] Paint Mixer-Off Topic

R & M Ingold randmingold at hotkey.net.au
Sun May 6 14:49:28 PDT 2007

If you make it for yourself and dont try selling em, who really cares?
Reg & Marg Ingold.
Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
randmingold at hotkey.net.au

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Lowe" <plowe at exemail.com.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Paint Mixer-Off Topic

> It has a Patent Pending which is enforceable, I am still going to make one
> this morning.
> Peter, Oz
>>I didn't notice if it had a patent number with it, but, all you have to do
>> is prove to the patent examiner that you have a novel and patentable
>> improvement on an existing patented tool or whatever. If they agree, you
>> have a patent and a big target on your back. It takes an expensive patent
>> attourney to make an unbeatable set of claims, if you do it on the cheap
>> somebody can improve on it and on and on and on. If you do do it the 
>> right
>> way, somebody will say they had it first. Now that's an expensive one.
>> Skip
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Mark Shulaw" <frappi at wcoil.com>
>> To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 2:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: [SEL] Paint Mixer-Off Topic
>>> That tool brings back a momory I had forgotten.
>>> I noticed they say a "New Invention"  These fellows are either mis
>>> informed
>>> or just simply unaware that this is not a new idea. You know how it is,
>>> something gets so old or forgotten and it becomes new again.  I seen one
>>> used a long time ago. It was probably home made or maybe procured from
>>> one
>>> of the Rail Roads he used to work for knowing Grandpa. He must have lost
>>> it
>>> or loaned it out at one time or another cause I don't remember him using
>>> it
>>> in later years. Simple to make, like Dave says 7 or so links of chain, 
>>> an
>>> odd number of links and a rod and wala a mixer.  Grampa  used it to stir
>>> his favorite roof coating, fibred aluminum roof paint. He didn't have a
>>> drill to power it but he did have a 1/2" electric drive impact and a
>>> socket
>>> If I  remember right fit a large bolt welded to the end of the rod. I
>>> have
>>> his old Ingersol impact now. The center link of the chain was welded to
>>> the
>>> rod too if I remember right.
>>>  It got real messy if you were not carefull but it worked.
>>> See ya all at Portland Swap!!
>>>                                                       TTYL,    Mark
>>> At 04:23 AM 5/6/07, you wrote:
>>>>Many of us at times need to mix paint.  Check out this cool  mixer - 
>>>>easy to make one.
>>>>Francis  Maciel
>>>>Santa Maria, Ca
>>> Mark & Christine Shulaw
>>> 454 Co. Rd. 33
>>> Bluffton, OH. 45817  USA            Email: Frappi at wcoil.com
>>> Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
>>> Parts lists available on request.
>>> Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
>>> Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell
>>> Phone
>>> you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday calls 
>>> if
>>> possible.
>>> I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I
>>> represent
>>> them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector, Preservationist 
>>> and
>>> hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old.   Mark
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