[SEL] 330 JD on Ebay

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Sat Mar 24 19:13:48 PDT 2007

Knowing Ebay and their thirst for money I wouldn't be suprised if they 
didn't care if folks are bidding their own stuff up, they make more money 
on the final value fees.               Mark,  Ohio

At 08:02 PM 3/24/07, you wrote:
>I hate this idea of hiding the bidders ID, I used to like contacting other
>bidders and ask questions about what they collect etc.
>We now also cannot see who is pushing who, does Ebay still keep a track of
>sellers bumping their own bids.??
>Peter, Oz

Mark & Christine Shulaw
454 Co. Rd. 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817  USA            Email: Frappi at wcoil.com

Your one stop on line source for Maytag Multi-Motor parts.
Parts lists available on request.

Weekdays & Saturday 10 AM to 10 PM Eastern Time 419.358.5206
Saturday 9 AM to 10 PM at cell #419.516.2996 If you have Verizon Cell Phone 
you may call the cell number during the weekday hours. No Sunday calls if 
I am not an employee or licensed dealer for Maytag Corp. Nor do I represent 
them in any way shape or form. I am only a Collector, Preservationist and 
hobby dealer of Maytag manufactured items of old.   Mark

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