[SEL] Unknown vertical engine

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Fri Mar 9 15:10:22 PST 2007

I withdraw my previous statement, it could be a VERY VERY early model R&V, 
an "A" series vertical, any idea what HP ???
I will ask a guy I know to clarify this, back in a day or so.

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Ph: 61-266453455

> Steve,
>    Some of those prices seem cheap.  They must have had many problems
> (cracked hubs, cyl, etc.).  I noticed the one shot of the repaired
> flywheel hub.  I sure wouldn't have run that baby!
> Tommy Turner
> Magnolia, KY
>>I second Dave's conclusion.  The Gas Tank base screams R&V along with
>>several other features on the engine.
>>Several Rough R&V Verticals were sold at this auction last fall.
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