[SEL] Show & Auction Photos

Steve Barr stevebarr at ameritech.net
Tue Jun 19 19:47:58 PDT 2007

Since I don't want to flood the market with too many photos at one time, 
Here are links to the first several events that I took in this year.

A Friday night car cruz in my hometown of Downers Grove, IL (the suburbs
of Chicago) that featured gas engines and tractors....My Dad and I got
"Best in show trophy"  We also got invited back at the end of the summer
for the Trophy night where the top exhibit from each weekend's cruz is on


Auction in Lacon IL (1 mile from the show the same day as the show) which
took 2 hours to sell every thing.


Show at Lacon IL


Oh, I forgot the toy show that has a tractor show with it in mid march in
Sublette, IL...Didn't take any photos of the toys, but did take some of
the tractors in the few spare minutes that I had as I was busy most of the
day helping a dealer sell construction models.


And IF you didn't have enough to look at,  The auction results from North,
VA are at:



Steve Barr                N9NDE            Downers Grove, IL
                      stevebarr at ameritech.net

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