[SEL] Headless Maytag

Doug Tallman dtallman at accnorwalk.com
Sun Jan 28 06:07:02 PST 2007

At 11:43 AM 1/28/2007 +0000, you wrote:
>Ok guys would like to know if there is such a thing as a headless maytag
>engine?  Met some old coot the other day that claims is next door friend owns
>one (he is 91yrs old).  Please don't tell me that "The Evil One" has been
>chopping in Northern Illinois either.
>thank you in advance.
>Curt Andree

Curt, I would think all the Maytags would qualify as a headless design. 
Call Mark S and tell him I sent you to get a head for a Maytag. He'll have 
to get out the axe!
             Doug Tallman
VGTCOA Ohio Regional Director
       Greenwich, Ohio, USA

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