[SEL] Spam/Phish> Free Manuals and Catalogs

Joe Prindle joe_prindle2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 22 21:08:36 PST 2007

After wasting some money on some real crappy quality reprints from an
outfit called Jensales, I bought originals and have scanned them and
placed them here for you to download and use free:
Scroll halfway down and there are links to the pdf files, the download
size is next to them and if you don't have dsl or cable, you might want to
make a sandwich.......
The usual disclaimers apply, and your mileage may vary. If this is well
received, I have a bunch more stuff to scan.
Can someone forward the link to the Farmall list for me? I like IHC stuff,
but any more than two cylinders is a waste of iron and electric starters
are for girls.

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