[SEL] Mystery object

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Tue Dec 25 03:59:30 PST 2007

For those with nothing do but sit back and enjoy Christmas here are a few 
more items to identify for me.
I think I know what No. 3 is but I am willing to listen to others.

Nos. 4, 5 & 6 I am not real sure, I would say that a powder of some sort 
goes into the hopper, you close the lid.
The handle has a gearbox which when you wind it acts like a blower, the 
material is fed through a small hole on the bottom of the hopper and there 
is also a stirrer in there.
On the blower side, air is forced from outside through a small impeller to 
combine with the mixture and then blow out the front nozzle.
We though it might belong to the pastry cooking/cake making profession for 
dusting the icing sugar on large batch production, what is your guess?
It is die cast, made in Japan.

These are my brothers and I said that if anyone could identify these items 
our engine guys and gals could.

Peter, Oz 

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